6th Conference on Human Rights - Sydney Southeast Asia Centre

The relationship between indigeneity and human rights has long caused various challenges to promoting democracy and fulfilling human rights in Asia and the Pacific region. Some of the basic rights of indigenous people have continued to strengthen as indicated by the existence of political and legal movements. However, it was also found that indigenous people groups were actually marginalized in the development of democracy. Some reasons behind this challenges are the absence of a single term related to indigeneity and the variant concept of indigeneity propagated by various parties. This variant concept causes the terms indigeneity and indigenous to become terms that can be used for any purposes. Some countries use the term to differentiate the treatment of certain individuals or groups. The term indigeneity is also used to reject several human rights norms that are deemed inconsistent with locality, the context of indigeneity, and national interests.

To respond to those matters, we are delighted to organise the 6th Conference on Human Rights. The conference is expected to become an academic hub for all academic scholars, observers, practitioners, government, and civil society to share ideas and experiences about indigeneity and human rights in Asia and the Pacific region from various perspectives.

Thank you and high gratitude for the full sponsorship from Law and Human Rights Research and Development Agency (Balitbang) at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Indonesia.

Research title: The Invisible Victims: Limited Education Access among Children of Indonesian Immigrants in Malaysia

Overall Progress
In Progress 70%
Conference Presentation
Completed 100%
Abstract Preparation
Completed 100%
In Progress - E-Journal Balitbangkumham 70%

Urban Theories Across Borders (UTAB) Winter School 2022

The Research Institute of Contemporary Southeast Asia (IRASEC) launches a series of doctoral workshops in the social sciences and humanities to be organized in partnership with European and Asian universities. These workshops have the objective to foster dialogue and exchange about research on Southeast Asia in the fields of the social sciences and humanities. They aim to encourage comparative and regional research approaches; facilitate students’ exchange, thesis co-tutorship and co-supervision for early career Southeast Asian researchers, especially those who are willing to pursue their studies in France.

Under this umbrella, « Urban Theories Across Borders » (UTAB) is a recurring winter school organized in partnership between the Research Institute on Contemporary Southeast Asia (IRASEC), the Faculty of Architecture of Chiang Mai University, the Faculty of Planning and Civil Engineering of Trisakti University, with the doctoral school « City, Transports and Territory » of the University Paris-East.

For further detail may refer to the IRASEC website.  

Overall Progress
In Progress 60%
Attended 100%
Abstract Preparation
Completed 100%
In Progress 30%

Asian Studies Association of Australia 2022 Conference

The ASAA Conference ‘Social Justice in Pandemic Times’ brings together academics, activists, artists, students, practitioners & community members from across disciplines with shared interest in Asia and Asian communities in Australia & globally.

You may access the list of abstract from here and refer to page 137 to search my abstract.

Thank you so much Sydney Southeast Asia Centre – University of Sydney for the sponsorship.

Research title: The Impact of Interstate Travel Restrictions towards Hodophile during Pandemic: The Case of Malaysia

Overall Progress
Completed 100%
Abstract Preparation
Completed 100%
Conference Presentation
Completed 100%
Publication - N/A
N/A 0%

Nelson Mandela International Summer School

The summer school on Law, Policy and Sustainable Development is being organized by the Université Kongo, Centre des droits de l’homme (Centre for Human Rights of Université Kongo, DRC), Africa in collaboration with AYDF (Youth for Asia) for a period of 3 days.

The core motivation of this international summer school is to facilitate the students and professionals on the pertinent issues related to the field of Law and Sustainable development with special emphasis on the current global pandemic and its effect on the world.

Policy Brief title: Enhance Participation of Youth to Improve Educational Quality in Rural Area: The Case of Kota Belud, Sabah, Malaysia

The hard copies now available on AmazonBlackWell’s, Alibris, and Biblio as well.

Overall Progress
Completed 100%
Policy Brief Abstract
Completed 100%
Attended 100%
Policy Brief Publication
Published - Central West Publishing, Australia 100%

15th Singapore Graduate Forum on Southeast Asian Studies

The 15th Graduate Forum is one of the flagship events of the Asia Research Institute (ARI). This event provides a platform for graduate students from around the world working on Southeast Asia to communicate and interact, as they mature into the next generation of academic leaders. The sessions which allow them to present their work are organised thematically around the themes broadly reflecting the core research strengths of ARI, including the Asian dynamics of religion, politics, economy, gender, culture, language, migration, urbanism, science and technology, identities, population and social change. The five-day Forum coincides with the Asian Graduate Student Fellowship Programme 2020, which brings 28 graduate students together virtually for a six-week period of research, mentoring and participation in an academic writing workshop.

You may refer updated listed of abstract from here, and refer page 19 for below research abstract.

Research title: The Changes of Economic Focus among Small-Scale Fishing Communities in the Iskandar Development Region: Case Studies of Kampung Tanjung Langsat and Kampung Senibong

Overall Progress
Completed 100%
Abstract Preparation
Completed 100%
Conference Presentation
Completed 100%
Publication - N/A
N/A 0%